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26 January 2023 – Silvia Weidenbach Lecture

Silvia Weidenbach started off her career completing a traditional silversmith apprenticeship, later studying at the Royal College of Art and now works within the jewellery department at the Glasgow School of Art. Beginning with a classical education, she has now been using AI and computer-aided design (CAD) to develop designs.

Part of her project ‘Infinite Loop’ used AI to analyse hundreds of images of old rings from museum collections and create new designs from this data. The use of AI has become more and more common over the last years, but this was a way of utilising it that I had not considered before. The AI was left to continue developing more and more images as can be seen below.

Each one embodies something of the original rings, whether that be the gold colour, the pattern, or the shape. I do think this is an interesting way to create new designs, as the AI doesn’t have preconceived ideas of what can and can’t be done that we do.

Once she had designs that she wanted to develop, she explained how she had to work to make them wearable, by making the insides smooth and the correct shape for example. The AI doesn’t take wearability into account, just as it doesn’t consider 3D printing feasibility, so there was lots of work to be completed post-production.

The question was posed as to whether the AI should be given recognition as a designer. I think that it is important that it is made clear when AI is used, and the amount of credit given should be based on how much work it did as it would be with a human contributor.

One point that I found interesting that Silvia mentioned was the point of creating volume without weight. For many products, I find the weight a positive attribute, whilst exploring the London Design Festival I commented a few times that I liked a product and then was disappointed when I picked it up and it was light. However, when it comes to jewellery, especially earrings, I prefer them to be lightweight. From a practical standpoint, it is very uncomfortable to wear heaving earrings that pull your ears down, so I liked this point that Silvia made. She was designing for luxury and beauty but also comfort.

I enjoyed hearing about Silvia’s work, it was clear how passionate she is about what she does, and it was inspiring to hear her talk. I will look at her work in the future when I am seeking inspiration from a different angle and hope to cross paths with her again.

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